Dev Log

Why I’m making this game
The story of this game covers my evolution as a game designer. It spans from my childhood to my first projects and continues today, after more than a decade working in the games industry.
Polishing Hell
I’m at a stage in Sky Diver where I’m starting to look at polishing some of the features in the game. One of them is the Ragdoll Deaths, and, as expected, it was a Polishing Hell.
About NFTs…
Oh, NFTs! What marvelous wonders they are going to bring! Well I’m tired of it already, even my aunt asked me about it… You have gotten me to write about it. Look what you’ve done!
How long does it take to make and publish an indie game? The 2020-2021 Sky Diver Classic Post-Mortem
If you are thinking on getting into game development or are just curious you probably have heard lots of cautionary tales. It’s not easy, even for a seasoned developer. How long does it take?
Why using a game engine?
To create any videogame, you need a lot of tech. Even a small game like Sky Diver Classic would require a lot of groundwork. What are the advantages are of using a game engine vs. doing everything yourself?
Simple Water Effects in Sky Diver Classic
In Sky Diver Classic the water is ever present. But in videogames it can be extraordinarily difficult to get right. I wanted it to be appealing, to feel alive, but I also needed a fast solution.